Misinformation About Ectopic and Miscarriage Treatment After Dobbs

Since the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling in 2022, we keep hearing that women who have an ectopic pregnancy or are miscarrying can no longer receive medical help because of the ruling. This is simply misinformation.


Are Ectopic Pregnancy and Miscarriage Treatments Still Available?

Currently, any ER can treat women for ectopic pregnancies, life-threatening complications, and miscarriages. This has not changed.

In the case of miscarriage, the baby has already died. In this case, the mother will need to deliver, or a procedure is done to remove the fetus. This procedure is still available; nothing has changed.


Why Ectopic Pregnancies Are Dangerous and Require Treatment

In a healthy pregnancy, the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining of the uterus. In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg attaches itself somewhere outside the uterus, usually to the inside of a fallopian tube. Not only is it impossible for the baby to live, but now, the mother’s life is also in danger. Ectopic pregnancies require surgical removal of the embryo from the fallopian tube.


The Abortion Pill Can’t Treat Ectopic Pregnancies: Here’s Why

It is important to understand that with an ectopic pregnancy, since the pregnancy is not in the uterus, none of the procedures used for abortion will end the pregnancy, including the abortion pill. If a woman takes the abortion pill without an examination and ultrasound, they run the risk of not knowing if they have a correctly placed pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy. If they take the abortion pill, they will go through all the pains of the abortion pill and assume the fetus has passed, when in reality, the fetus remains and grows. This is a deadly combination, and the reason you should always have an ultrasound when you are pregnant.

Facts About State Laws and High-Risk Pregnancy Care

Don’t just take our word for it. The Charlotte Lozier Institute provided a legal and medical review of the status of high-risk pregnancies in states with strong pro-life laws. This was what their report found: “Charlotte Lozier Institute reports that all 23 states with strong pro-life laws currently on the books allow necessary and timely medical treatment for miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and other procedures necessary to save the life of a pregnant woman.” These services are fully available to any pregnant woman in any state.


Takeaway: Protecting Your Health with Proper Information

  1. If you think you are pregnant, be sure to get an ultrasound to make sure that your pregnancy is NOT ectopic.
  2. If you are miscarrying, go to the ER, and they will provide you with all you need.
  3. Comments about not being treated for miscarriage, ectopic, or other life-threatening pregnancy-related issues are simply not true and are designed to get you anxious about nothing.


Have Questions About The Abortion Pill and Ectopic Pregnancy? Schedule a Free Appointment With Gate Pregnancy Clinic Today. We’re Here To Help.