Life After Abortion
Everyone is different, and every person’s experience with abortion is unique. Some people feel emotions immediately, while others may not for months or years later. Still, others may feel nothing at all.
After an abortion experience, you might feel relief, shame, regret, denial, numbness, anger, anxiety, sadness, and depression. Your feelings are unique to you, and you’re entitled to your emotions surrounding your abortion. You don’t have to hide them or be afraid to share.

Family, Friends, And Others Affected By Abortion
Family members, boyfriends, spouses, and friends who have been affected by another person’s abortion choice may feel many of the emotions mentioned here, along with helplessness, regret, and blame. Your feelings surrounding another person’s abortion are important and valid.
No matter how you are processing your abortion or the abortion of someone else, many find it helpful to talk about their experience and feelings in a safe, nonjudgmental environment. For anyone affected by abortion, help, healing, and hope are available without shame and judgment. You’re not alone. No matter where you are in your after-abortion journey, it’s never too late or too soon to discuss your decision with someone who understands and is willing to listen.
Help, Healing, and Hope
We are here to provide support and care after your abortion experience, in individual or group settings, depending on which you’re most comfortable with. Everything is confidential, and no one will be notified that you’ve contacted us. We can even assist you in finding support outside of your local area for increased confidentiality. Your privacy is important to us. And, as always, all of our services are free and will remain free.
If you choose to discuss your abortion one-on-one, you will meet confidentially with someone who is trained to support women and men who have been affected by abortion and offer help and compassion.
If you choose to participate in a group setting, you will meet with people who have similar stories and experiences. You can share as much or as little as you feel comfortable. You will receive love and support from people who have been in your situation and understand what you’re going through.
We are here because we understand the factors that contributed to your abortion choice. Even after your abortion, we care about your happiness, health, and well-being.
Giving a voice to your abortion experience can change how you view the decision that you made and give you courage to live in your freedom.

We offer accurate information about all your pregnancy options; however, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. The information presented on this website is intended for general education purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.
Do you have any questions or comments for us? Click the button below to contact Gate PRC today.